Mental Health Clinic

We look after your health and wellbeing

Our Mental Health Clinic provides the knowledge and expertise required to help you develop a deeper understanding of your situation and identify how to move forward and live life to the fullest.

Our team includes Our GPs with special interest in Mental health, Our Psychologist and Psychiatrists. We work closely and focused on your mental health matters to make sure all aspects of management are taken care of professionally. 

We provide counselling services in the following areas:

  • Adolescent Counselling
  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Family
  • General
  • Grief Counselling
  • Marriage
  • Parenting
  • Relationship 

The goal of psychology is not just to study human thinking and behaviour, but to put that knowledge into practice, to help people, communities, and society in general to solve day-to-day problems and improve quality of life.

Where should you start?

We suggest you see one of our experienced general practitioners regards to your current condition, it usually needs a long consult. Therefore, please ask the admin to book a long consultation so that you have less pressure of time for your consult. 

What happens next?

Our GP might organise a Mental Health Care Plan, subject to your eligibility to make you entitled for medicate rebates of your psychology sessions. Then you will be referred to the Psychologist for further management. 

Sometimes due to the complexity of the case scenarios your GP might suggest you to see our Psychiatrist for the second opinion regards to the Diagnosis or management plan.

Please note that Mental Health Care Plan is a private consultation and you will get some  medicare rebate for it.

How much does it cost?

Your GP consultation will be billed based on the timing and duration of your session. Psychotherapy session takes an hour and you will pay between 0 – $75 out of pocket per session. 

How can you book your appointment?

You can call us on 5911 7014 or book online to see our GP for initial consultation.

319 Main Street, Mornington VIC 3931​

Open 7 days a week till late

Monday to Friday – 8am to 6pm
Saturday – 9am to 1pm
Sunday – Closed
Public Holidays – Closed